
The Planetarium of Pamplona premieres ‘Traveling with the Light’,  the new original film from Parque de las Ciencias de Granada.

The planetarium of Pamplona has been one of the collaborators during the production of the film and is now proud to show this new creation dedicated to the close relationship between light and terrestrial life.

The movie will be available from December 26, 2020 and here is the link to the planetarium to buy your ticket.


Traveling with the Light plays with shapes and locations, and starts a journey that introduces the viewer inside a plant cell or in the human eye. 
The characters represent two concepts that, in turn, are project objectives:
the accentuation of the role of women in science and the generation of vocations early in children, since the mother, protagonist of the film, exercises that vocational influence on your child while transmitting the secrets of light.

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